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Quality HVAC Filters for Residential & Commercial, All Sizes, Free Shipping!
Quality HVAC Filters, All Sizes, Free Shipping!

Spring Allergies and your Home

Are you one of the estimated 40 million Americans that will suffer from allergies this Spring? Get a jump start on your Spring cleaning and help to prevent your dreaded seasonal allergies. All the dust, pollen and dirt in your home can get those allergies off to an early start so we are here to help with some helpful Spring cleaning tips that will improve your indoor air quality this season. Allergens like Dust Mites, Pollen, Pet Dander and Mold Spores all like to hang out on the places you find comfort so be sure to clean those comfort places...couch, bed, etc. For better indoor air change your filters every season and more if you have serious allergy sufferers in your home use allergen reduction (Pleated) filters like the Naturalaire and 3M Filtrete brands in your HVAC. These filters contain allergens better than your typical fiberglass furnace filter.

For window air conditioners, use a 3M Filtrete Air Conditioner Filter; you can filter the air and take out the harmful allergenic particles you want to avoid. Electro-statically charged Filtrete fibers work like magnets to attract small airborne particles such as dust, pollen, mold and pet dander. These filters clean the air you breathe 50 times better than an ordinary foam room A/C filter. So don't just cool the air in your room, filter it! Simply cut to fit.
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