Spring is Here: Pollen to Fear
Tree pollen is common for spring because it's when the majority of trees reproduce. The spring pollen season begins in February for most southern states and in the following months the farther north you go. During the month of April it is possible to see more than 20 types of pollen in the air. Towards the end of April is when the grass starts to pollinate and this goes through June.
You can not hide from spring pollens by only being indoors because indoor allergies are a year round problem. We all have dust mites, mold spores and pet dander (if you have indoor pets) in our homes year round. So the best way to help is to change your home air conditioning and heating filters on a regular basis.
Now that it's spring what better time to start some spring cleaning to help relieve allergies. By changing your furnace filter you can help capture most of those pollens. It is recommended to change your filters with the start of every season, to make sure that you get all the new pollens and debris in the air. So here is your spring reminder.