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Quality HVAC Filters for Residential & Commercial, All Sizes, Free Shipping!
Quality HVAC Filters, All Sizes, Free Shipping!

The benefits of a clean filter

A furnace filter pulls a majority of unwanted particles from your indoor air. Such as mold spores, pet dander, household dust, smoke, pollen, dust mites and smog. Using a filter in your furnace is an easy way to reduce the cost of energy you use, a dirty filter will force your system to work harder to push air through the filter, while a clean one will allow the air travel more freely. The filter also keeps the coils and the heat exchanges in your system clean. Having dirty filters will make your system work harder and restricts the air from moving through. This could lead to maintenance issues and the harder your system works the more energy it uses which in turn costs you more money.

A clean furnace filter helps you and your family breathe the cleanest air possible by pulling all those unwanted particles form the air. Changing your furnace filters at the recommended time frames will help keep you healthy and prevent airborne sickness and diseases. A clean furnace filter is a great way to help people with allergies and asthma live a healthier life by pulling aggravating allergens from the air.

The most important thing to remember about these benefits is that they only work with regular filter changes. So be sure to change your furnace filter in the recommended time frame. A basic fiberglass furnace filter should be changed about every 30 days, while a pleated furnace filter lasts longer and should be changed about every 90 days.
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