Without an efficient air filter, your HVAC unit may become much less efficient as microscopic particles within the air circulate around your home. Your furnace or air conditioning air filter is an essential component of your home’s unit.
However, many homeowners question how long is too long to keep an air filter. Do furnace air filters have an expiration date? Prepare to discover the answer to your question by reading below!
When in Storage
Once you purchase your furnace air filter, there isn’t a limited time you have to install the component before it expires. There’s no expiration date to fret over when your air filtering component isn’t in use. However, this doesn’t mean that you should store the filter anywhere!
Avoid storing spare parts in a location where you’d never think to check when it’s time for a change. Instead, you should keep furnace air filters in a utility closet, laundry area, or another place you frequent.
While in Use
On the other hand, most furnace air filters have a three- to four-month service life upon installation in an HVAC system.
It helps to refer to manufacturer guidelines to learn about expiration dates and the recommended frequency of changes. You’ll want to maintain a strict maintenance schedule to avoid creating performance issues and system failures.
Signs of an Expired Furnace Filter
It’s easy to lose track of the next furnace filter change! If you’re uncertain about the next replacement, you should know the signs that indicate it’s time for a new filter component:
- High-pitched sounds coming from the furnace
- A burning odor every time the furnace operates
- System failure and locking of the furnace
- Increased headaches, coughing, and respiratory issues
- Increased energy costs
So do furnace air filters have an expiration date? The short answer is that it depends. When storing unused filters for extended periods, you can keep them for a long time as long as you place them in a cool, dry area. Doing so will maintain their integrity, essentially giving them an indefinite service life. But air filters do have an expiration date once you begin using them.
When looking for quality filtering components that hold well during storage, look no further than RTF. Our AAF Flanders air filters have incomparable strength and efficiency, allowing them to provide the cleanest air possible. Consider visiting our webpage for some of the best and highest-quality filtration products on the market.