The Difference Between an Exact and Undercut Furnace Filter

The Difference Between an Exact and Undercut Furnace Filter

We get the question what is the difference between an exact and undercut furnace filter often. Usually when customers are having a hard time locating a specific furnace filter size. The industry as a whole regardless of manufacturer undercuts  standard size filters.
The Difference Between an Exact and Undercut Furnace Filter

The Difference Between an Exact and Undercut Furnace Filter

We get the question what is the difference between an exact and undercut furnace filter often. Usually when customers are having a hard time locating a specific furnace filter size. The industry as a whole regardless of manufacturer undercuts  standard size filters.
Furnace Filters vs. AC Filters: The Differences

Furnace Filters vs. AC Filters: The Differences

There’s a lot of things to keep in mind when it comes to your home's air filters. Here we take a look at the differences between furnace filters and AC filters.
An Easy Guide to AC Filter MERV Ratings

An Easy Guide to AC Filter MERV Ratings

As you search for an air filter, there are two important things you need to know: the air filter’s size and its MERV rating. A minimum efficiency r...
How to Choose a Furnace Filter

How to Choose a Furnace Filter

The maintenance of furnace filters is an essential task for any building’s HVAC system. Furnace filters can remove all the harmful particles that m...
AstroCel HEPA Filters by AAF Flanders

AstroCel HEPA Filters by AAF Flanders

High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) AstroCel I High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters are the most efficient air filters commercially av...
Easy Ways to Improve the Air Quality in Your Home

Easy Ways to Improve the Air Quality in Your Home


Poor air quality can cause several health-related issues. To prevent these, follow some of these easy ways to improve the air quality in your home.

CEO letter about COVID19

COVID-19 Letter from our CEO

As the coronavirus continues to spread, we have taken a proactive approach at RTF to keeping our employees safe while sustaining a consistent level...
COVID19 air quality

Coronavirus and Indoor Air Quality

Over the last couple days we have received many calls and emails about indoor air quality and if replacing HVAC filters can help with the 2019-nCoV...

System specific question - non filter related

Since all homes and systems are different it's really hard for us to help answer your question without seeing your system design, layout, etc. It s...

How can a filter help allergies and asthma?

It is nearly impossible to eliminate the sources of pollen allergens and dust mites, so your best course of action in eliminating the threat of the...

How do I know what kind of filter I need?

With so many options it can be overwhelming trying to decide what filter best suites your needs. Panel (basic) filters, usually 1" fiberglass filte...

What does the dust in my home consist of?

The dust in your home is made up of pollen, plant and mold spores, pet dander, lint, bacteria and other contaminants. Regular daily activities with...

Washable vs Pleated filters

Surprisingly, expensive washable/reusable filters are similar to fiberglass filters in their inability to capture micro-particles. They can be wash...