The benefits of a clean filter

A furnace filter pulls a majority of unwanted particles from your indoor air. Such as mold spores, pet dander, household dust, smoke, pollen, dust ...

The benefits of a clean filter

A furnace filter pulls a majority of unwanted particles from your indoor air. Such as mold spores, pet dander, household dust, smoke, pollen, dust ...

More about MERV

Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, or MERV for short, is a filter rating system devised by ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration ...

How do I locate my filter?

In many cases if you have never located your heating systems filter it can be a challenge to find it. All systems are different so we will do our v...

Difference between fiberglass filters and pleated filters

Fiberglass filters were originally developed to protect your furnace and/or air conditioning system. They were not intended to significantly improv...

Say good by to dusting...not quite

We wish, pleated filters will reduce the need for dusting but it won't eliminate it. Atmospheric dust consists of a wide variety of particulates ra...

Common terms you might hear in regards to filters

Common TermsCollection of common terms you may come across while shopping for replacement filters for your home or business. ASHREA:American Soci...

MERV vs. MPR rating

Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, or MERV for short, is a filter rating system devised by ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration ...

Is it true that pleated filters may restrict airflow?

This is a common question that we get from time to time and the truth of the matter is yes. A pleated filter can strain a system and potentially ca...

Custom Furnace Air Filters

If the size you need is considered a custom size filter. We have a large selection of filters that we can make to your exact size ranging from plea...

High Capacity Filters vs Standard Capacity Filters

The difference between High Capacity Filters and Standard Capacity Filters is mainly the number of pleats on a pleated filter. A High Capacity filt...

How often should my filter be replaced?

Manufacturers and recommend changing basic filters every 30 days and pleated filters every 90 days. This keeps your system ru...

What direction should my furnace filter go?

Most filters have arrows on the frame of the filter that indicate which direction the filter should go. The arrow points in the direction the air i...

Furnace Air Filter Measurements

Tips and Tricks
Measurements listed on filters are usually not exact. For example a 16x20x1 (nominal size) filter could actually measure 15-1/2 x 19-1/2 x 3/4 (act...